

Dear Madam/Sir,

according to Article 13, D. Lgs. 196/2003 of the Italian law, the Fattoria Biologica Recchi will treat your personal data within full respect of the norms of privacy.
The disclosure of such data is optional, but any incompleteness in filling out our form may render it impossible to give you the information you requested.
Your data are collected from electronic supports, directly or indirectly for the following purposes:
- fulfilment of the service you required
- statistics, mailing or e-mailing advertisements
In no case will your personal information ever be communicated or sold to a third party.


The Parco Galeano is a brunch of the Fattoria Biologica Recchi.
The data controller and processor is the
Fattoria Biologica Recchi di Luigi Recchi.
C.da Calcinari n° 29 - 63027 - Petritoli (FM) - Italia
Tel. e Fax +39.0734.658646
P.Iva: 00484080445 in according to Dpr n. 404
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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